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Initiative Announced- Details to follow

Tue, Nov 05


Bonner County Human Rights Task Force

Work has begun on a Civil Discourse proposal, sponsored by BCHRTF. Join us for a renewal of the civil discourse tradition.

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Initiative Announced- Details to follow
Initiative Announced- Details to follow

Time & Location

Nov 05, 2019, 7:00 PM

Bonner County Human Rights Task Force, Sandpoint, ID, USA


About the Event

The Bonner County Human Rights Task Force is concerned about the divisions in our community that

seem to keep growing wider -- and we are looking for ways to bring people together.

We all have different beliefs and varying opinions about important issues. That is as it should be in a

country like ours where this is not only accepted but valued. The conflicts and divisiveness come from

the assumptions we make about people whose ideas are different than our own. What makes it even

worse is the labels we use to describe those people-- labels like right wing, left wing, redoubter, liberal,

radical, snowflake and RINO. etc. We use those labels because we don’t really know each other. We

assume that our values are different because our opinions are not the same.

Although our opinions vary, the BCHRTF thinks that we actually share some of the same values. We all

value a place where differing views are accepted; we value the freedom we have to express our beliefs

without fear of repercussion. We value a place that is kind and uplifting to our young people who are

growing up here. We value a community in which we can feel safe and respected-- regardless of our


This is what we want for Bonner County. Therefore, we are working on some ideas to bring people of

differing ideas and opinions together-- to listen to each other and to participate in civil discourse.

If you are one of those who has said, “I wish there was a way that we could just talk to each other face

to face!” -- please consider joining us in this effort.

We will be hosting an informal meeting soon to discuss some ideas about how to do this with those who

are interested. If you’d be willing to join us-- and take on this daunting task!! -- please contact the

BCHRTF by email,; phone, 208-290-2732; or by seeking out one of our Board

members. You can also learn more about the Task Force by visiting our website at

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