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General Membership Update

Greetings Task Force Members,  

The BCHRTF has been working hard to become educated and to reach out and collaborate with others who are concerned about the recent militia-type activity in our community. It is so interesting that very similar kinds of actions have taken place around the nation.  

We contacted ICAP, the Institute for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection, after their Director, Mary McCord, sent a letter to our Mayor and County Commission, to make them aware of Idaho laws and Constitutional provisions prohibiting militia activity that is not authorized and which attempts to fulfill the functions of law enforcement. 

In addition to the information sent initially by ICAP—they sent us several Attorney General opinions that we are publicizing and sending specifically to city and county government. We are including those opinions in this update as well as a separate attachment. (Posted separately in the blog)

We have also been made aware of a presentation being made by ICAP this next Wednesday, July 29, that is launching its new toolkit, “Protests and Public Safety: A Guide for Cities and Citizens.” They have put together an information discussion over Zoom about the rise of paramilitary activity across the United States. It will provide information about their litigation in Charlottesville and New Mexico, cover what lessons other communities can draw from those cases, and provide additional resources. (Posted in Events also)

We also wanted to let you know that in these past months we have strengthened our connections with the other human rights groups in our area, and have been having regular meetings with the task forces in Boundary & Kootenai counties and the Montana Human Rights Network. There is always strength that comes from working together. 

Thank you for your support of the BCHRTF at this time. Since it is not appropriate to hold a fundraiser event due to the coronavirus, we would welcome donations of any amount to help support our efforts.  Please visit our recently updated website at and click Donate or mail a check to PO Box 1463 Sandpoint, Idaho 83864

We hope that many of you can attend the Webinar on July 29!!

Stay well,

Brenda Hammond, current president 



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