Members of BCHRTF often add their voices to national issues as well as local. This letter to the editor of the Daily Bee is by Lynn Bridges, former board member.
Black Lives Matter is not just a movement of young people being radical and
looking for change. It is a diverse group of all ages saying enough is enough. It is
a group of patriots that deeply love our country and know that we can do better.
This challenging time could also be viewed as an opportunity for an awaking of
the US to recognize the injustice within our own country and the privilege that
many live with. As writer Jeremy Helligar states, “Don’t be afraid of the word
racist. …racism doesn’t always wear a white robe and burn crosses. It’s lurking
in everyday microagressions.” We all carry biases based on how we have been
raised and our experiences. Recognizing that experiences differ due to skin color
in our country is a beginning step. Educate yourself by accessing information on
accurate history in our country. There are recommended books, documentaries
and actions that people, especially white people, can access to help understand
the anger and frustration of black people.
Some examples are below.
Read “White Fragility” by Robin Diangelo, social justice educator: Addresses
why it is so difficult for whites to look at their own racism
Read “The New Jim Crow” by Michelle Alexander, highly acclaimed civil
rights lawyer, advocate: Addresses the criminal justice system and mass
Read “Rising out of Hatred” by Eli Saslo: A book that tells Derek Black’s
migrates out of white supremacy at tremendous personal cost
Watch 13 th : A documentary on the history of the 13 th Amendment (Netflix)
Read “75 Things White People can do for Racial Justice” collated by Equality
includes you – a practical list of things to do
Do your part to help positive change happen.