The BCHRTF will be having our Annual Meeting this next Monday, Dec.7, at 4:30 pm. The meeting will be conducted via Zoom – due to COVID restrictions. You may recall that typically we have held our annual meeting in the Spring or Summer. Usually this is because we try to include with it some kind of program that is of interest to the community, and we open all but the business part of the meeting to the public. This year, again due to COVID, we have not and will not in the near future be hosting any gatherings.
We will, however, make available to you the information we are required to provide to our members every year. This will include the President’s report, Treasurer’s Report, Proposed Budget for the next fiscal year, and a slate of candidates for the Board of Directors.
We are including the list of candidates for Board membership in this letter. If there is any reason you would NOT approve of that list, we ask that you contact us via our BCHRTF email or phone. We will assume, if we don’t hear from you, that your silence is assent. This seems like the simplest way to elect our Board for 2021 and act in accordance with our By-laws.
We will be posting our annual reports and Budget projection on our website following the meeting. IF you would like to join the actual meeting, you can contact us, again either by phone or TF email, and we will send you a link—as long as we don’t exceed the number of participants allowable.
Our email: bchrtaskforce@gmailcom Our phone number: 208-290-2732
· Lynn Bridges
· Carrie Clayton
· Todd Crossett
· Krista Eberle
· Brenda Hammond
· Christine Holbert
· Tess Howell
· Dan McLoughlin
· Sharon McMahon
· Linda Navarre
· Amy Phillips
· Chuck Smith
Our By-laws require a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 15 members on the Board. If any of you are interested in joining the Board there is a procedure for application. You may contact us regarding that as well by email or phone.
Postponing BRAVER ANGELS training
We had scheduled a “One on One Conversations” training with the Braver Angels program for Saturday, Dec.12. We have decided to cancel that training at this time as there were not enough people who expressed interest. We understand this is a busy time before the Holidays, and possibly an unsettled time politically—between presidents.
We will re-visit the idea of providing more Braver Angels workshops in the coming year. We suggest that if you are interested—or just curious –visit their website at to see the different kinds of experiences they offer. For example there is one called, “With Malice Toward None – Coming Together After the Election.” Perhaps you can help us decide what kind of training would be most helpful to those who want to help bring our community closer together. We welcome your feedback!!
We hope you all have a meaningful Holiday season – however you observe it in the “time of COVID.” This winter solstice time has traditionally been a time for reflection—and for remembering what is most important to us. Among the Pueblo Native people, it has been a time to gather in kivas to re-tell the stories of creation—that serve as a reminder of why we are here.
I found a wonderful message while going through some old Holiday cards I have collected over the years. I’ll share it:
“ This year may the hands
that touch the earth
be a little gentler
and the hearts that care for it
a little wiser.”
Brenda Hammond, current President
Bonner County Human Rights Task Force